Saturday, January 10, 2009


It was so nice to be able to go home for the winter break plus the Texas weather didn't hurt either. My family and I were able to play all sorts of games and watch many movies. Abbie, my sister, came out for a few days. It was nice to be able to hang out with her and her little pug. The opportunity to see some of my friends over the break as well. I decided that I might as well do something at the beginning of the break so I went down a too steep hill on my friends long board. Well I went a little too fast for comfort and tried to abandon ship and fell, but I was OK. Just some scraps on my arms and a sore bottom. Also a fun excursion to the galleria for some serious ice skating. I forgot how much I love to ice skate. However it would have been nicer if it wasn't so busy but hey what can ya do the week before Christmas your going to find some people at the mall. We spent Christmas eve in Abilene with Abbie and Tatton. We had fun playing games and going to this incredible Chinese place. Christmas day was fine Cameron had work so we opened gifts, ate pancakes, and then he left for work. However the day was still quite fun. We got a lot of awesome gifts. Even though the missionaries came over later the day was not lost. We played games and enjoyed each others company. As for presents I got my big gift my lap top in advanced. With an awesome quilt Abbie made me, a movie, a bed sheet, and a sweater my Christmas was small but meaningful. It was just nice to be home. The next preceding days consisted of movies, games, and Wii. One of the biggest highlights was the music video we made the day before I left for Utah. You can see it we are pretty silly. It was quite the switch coming back to school. Pretty much freezing and snowy. But it will spring soon enough. I'm still not sure about some of my classes but after this semester it's no more generals so hooray!